Hello all, Sorry about the lack of posts but I haven't had a lot of chances to charge the laptop and Internet access, so I am updating this from cold Melbourne.
We left Broome Monday morning to to a couple of hours transit leg back to Derby. Tuesday morning we were booked on the Horizontal Waterfalls Seaplane and Jetboat Tour, but first it was sunset at Derby Jetty.
Derby Jetty |
Derby Jetty sunset |
The next Morning it was off on the awesome Horizontal Waterfall trip.
mangrove paterns on the mudflats |
Buccaneer Archipelago |
Horiozontal Waterfalls at Talbot Bay |
Seen in the photo above, the far gap is 20 metres wide and the near gap is only 7 metres wide and 60 metres deep, the amount of water rushing through these gaps is amazing. The tide range here is up to 13 metres.
circling before landing on the water |
look carefully to see the jetboat in the white water |
coming in to land at the houseboat |
the base |
The setup here was amazing, a new 20 berth houseboat arrives next week allowing 20 overnighters, there was jetboats, houseboats, pontoons, jetskis, shark proof cages, and all moored in paradise.
don't fall in |
heading to the first 20 metre wide gap |
in the first bay |
The whirlpools ant turbulence here has to be seen to be believed, the force of the water was amazing.
the second gap 7 metres |
It was too dangerous to do the second 7 metres gap on our first of many runs through the falls, we went through to the second bay later in the day at high tide.
the force of the water was awesome |
heading through |
Next it was a cruise up Cyclone creek, a safe deep anchorage to shelter from storms, a couple of the boys working for Horizontal Falls Adventures have moved off the houseboat (generator goes all night) and have chosen to sleep on an old Pearler pontoon that was abandoned.
the boys bunkhouse |
what a view to wake up to every morning though |
Cyclone Creek |
rock formations in Cyclone Creek |
It was back to the houseboat for BBQ Baramundi lunch an then another run through the Falls, this time going through the second gap.
the 7 metre second gap at neap tide |
inside the second bay looking out |
our plane coming back to collect us |
There are currently 100-120 per day doing this tour, which will increase with the arrival of the new 20 berth houseboat for overnight stays. All the staff were young guys and girls and without exception were very professional, helpful and courteous. This tour is very well run. good value, exception scenery and good staff, I highly recommend it. http://horizontalfallsadventures.com.au/
the flight back |
Amazing tour, amazing scenery, amazing experience. I want to do it again but with an overnight stay on the houseboat next time.
After the flight it was a quick transit leg to Fitzroy Crossing for the Geiki Gorge boat cruise the next morning.
Geiki Gorge |
Geiki Gorge |
the west wall |
The Fitzroy River cuts through the Napier Range, remnants of an old Devonian reef .
Geiki Gorge |
The last leg was just a transit leg back to Darwin to drop the Landcruiser back. The vehicle performed well, doing everything we asked of it. Diesel price peaked at $2.05 per litre on the Gibb River Road. The trip overall was excellent, but I found time was an issue, with so many places I would like to spend a lot more time. The King Edward River Campground would be worth a weeks stay along with Mitchell Falls. A lot more time exploring the stations as well would be good.
One couple we met had done the Gibb east to west, gone into Derby to stock up and then they did it again west to east. Three months minimum is required, I think to do this trip properly absorb it all.
I will be back..........................love it
bye until next time
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